Burton Community Groups

There are several groups within the community to help organize events and provide services:

Burton Community Association

The Burton Community Association (BCA) over sees the operations of the community as a whole. Responsible for maintaining all community assets including the campground, community hall and ball diamond. They also act as the parent organization for the Burton Volunteer Fire Department. To see more about the BCA, book the community hall, or contact the BCA click here.

Burton Community Learning Centre

Led by a group of community volunteers, the Burton Community Learning Centre (BCLC) offers programs and services to promote learning and wellness. The Centre is available to Arrow Lakes residents for activities related to fitness, education and learning, community information, and arts and culture.

Burton Volunteer Fire Department

The Burton Volunteer Fire Department (BVFD) responds to local fires, promotes fire prevention, and provides planning for emergency situations within the community.

Technology Centre

The Technology Centre wants to help people to understand and use the vast array of technology available to us. Technology is creeping into our lives at an alarming rate and can be confusing and daunting to navigate. The Technology Centre is here to help.

Burton Food Access

The Burton Food Access program was created to help bridge the gap between food security and food insecurity. The Burton Food Access program has created a one-acre Community Garden space in Burton, BC – by the Burton Historical Campground. The one-acre garden houses space for community members from Burton and surrounding areas. There are raised beds available for community members with limited mobility. A section of the garden is currently grown with the produce available for community members to access. In addition to this, there are kitchen upgrades being completed at the Burton Community Hall, and a small food pantry is currently in the works.

Burton Seniors

The Burton Seniors group is an active group providing a variety of activities for the whole community, include: Bingo, cards nights, music night, a spring and Christmas Banquet, fall and Christmas craft fairs, and more …